About the Program
The BC Chocolate Lily Young Readers' Choice Awards encourage grade school students to read some of the best fiction written/illustrated by British Columbia's authors and illlustrators.
This is our 21st year offering this literacy program to schools, libraries and families.
Two goals of the program are to celebrate home grown BC talent and to promote literacy. Because reading and writing are intertwined, good readers are generally good writers. "Read, read. read!" is the advice given by many authors and publishers.
Students read the nominated titles and vote for their favourite book in three categories:
Picture books (Kindergarten to Grade 4)
Chapter Books/Early Novels (Grades 2 - 4)
Novels (Grades 4 - 7)
Students may vote in any category as long as they have read the minimum number of books required (info under Educator's tab).
Schools/librarians can register for the program any time after September 15, 2023. The registration fee of $25 includes access (password protected) to the Educator's page for the author/illustrator bios, reading ideas, book promotion ideas and voting info. Registrants will also receive a colour poster of the nominated titles, 5 book marks and an award sticker for each category in which you register. These will be sent by Canada Post.
Registrants must purchase copies of the books for the program.
Votes are due by May 1st, 2024.